Exception:ErrorException(Trying to access array offset on value of type int)
server t8misc1.ny.7w7.us • https://phoneowner.us//7137807 • • site-id: 22 • rd/phoneowner.us • Jun 04, 22:36:50 • git bc137395bc

Exception:ErrorException(Trying to access array offset on value of type int)

*** []
return [self::$_CITY_NAMES[$region][$city]["name"], self::regions(1, $region), self::regions(2, $region), self::$_CITY_NAMES[$region][$city]["parent_id"]??0, 1]; } $gkey = "$region-$city"; if ($c=Geo_Go::rcs2info([$gkey])) { $st = self::regions(2, $region);
$rc = Geo::rc($c[$gkey][1]);
$city_name = explode(',',$c[$gkey][0]); self::$_CITY_NAMES[$region][$city] = ["name"=>$city_name[0], "parent_id"=> $rc[1] ?? null, "region" => $st]; return [$city_name[0], self::regions(1, $region), $st, $rc[1] ?? null, 1 /* USA ONLY */]; // !! } // if ($c=M("geo.city")->findOne( array("region" => (int) $region, "city" => (int) $city) )) {
Geo::_city []   ...
$c=self::_city($region, $city);
1 :
1 : Suite
$r[ $e["region"]."-".$e["city"] ] = $e["name"]." ".$r2n[$e["region"]]; return $r; } // static function main_city($region, $city) { # city.id
$c=self::_city($region, $city);
return NVL($c[3]??0, $city); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //** ZIP static function zip_name($zip) { # str: city state
Geo::main_city []   ...
if ($main_city && $main_city_id=self::main_city($region, $city)){
1 :
1 : Suite
} $r = self::_city($region, $city); return $r[0]??''; } static function city_location($region, $city, $main_city=true) { # loc[lat,long]
if ($main_city && $main_city_id=self::main_city($region, $city)){
$city = $main_city_id; } $c=M("geo.city")->findOne( array("region" => (int) $region, "city" => (int) $city) ); if (!$c) return [];
Geo::city_location []   ...
$geo = Geo::city_location($loc["region"], $t);
1 :
1 : Suite
} } if (isset($loc["region"])) { $t = NVL($loc["city"]??0, $loc["city_main"]??0); if ($t) {
$geo = Geo::city_location($loc["region"], $t);
if($geo){ $loc["geo"] = $geo; return 1; } }
Geo::resolveLoc []
1 : {"street":"920 Memor***al City Way","city":"Suite","region":""}
$loc["city"] = ''; $l_key = $loc["region"]."-".$loc["city"]; if (!isset($prefix_info["locations"][$l_key])) { if($loc["city_state"]??0) list($loc["city_name"], $loc["state"]) = HB::explode(", ", $loc["city_state"], 2);
$loc["phones_cnt"] = 1; $prefix_info["locations"][$l_key] = $loc; } else { $prefix_info["locations"][$l_key]["phones_cnt"] = ($prefix_info["locations"][$l_key]["phones_cnt"]??0) + 1; }
Action_Phone_Root->prefix7 []   ...
return call_user_func_array( [$this, $method], $r);
1 : 7137807
} } catch(Exception $ex) { \Log::alert( $ex->getMessage() ); } try {
return call_user_func_array( [$this, $method], $r);
} catch(RedirectException $ex) { return $ex->getMessage(); } } function page404() {
Action->_reflection_call []   ...
return $this->_reflection_call($method);
1 : prefix7
if (method_exists($this, $method) ) $mex=1; } } if ($mex)
return $this->_reflection_call($method);
// use template name (same as url) return $url; } /* internal */ // serve method (normal or gzipped)
Action->_call []   ...
$r = $A->_call($method, $path);
1 : prefix7
1 : 7137807
Profiler::disable(); CD::set("AJAX", 1); } Profiler::in("{$class}::$method", $p); $A = new $class($p);
$r = $A->_call($method, $path);
Profiler::out(); //respect called action's desire to act as AJAX. $is_ajax = CD("AJAX"); // AJAX methods - default - no templates if ($is_ajax) {
Controller::action []   ...
$template = self::action($url, $params); // PARAM by REF!
1 : 7137807
1 : {"cssTableClass":"ow***:7137806,"next_p":7137808,"count_ads":1}
self::$layout=$layout; if ($r = strpos($url,"?")) $url = substr($url, 0, $r); $url = substr($url,1); // remove leading "/" restore_msg($params);
$template = self::action($url, $params); // PARAM by REF!
if (isset($_GET['TPL']) ) { echo "<div style='padding-left: 3px; background: #eee'>"; vvv($params); echo "</div>"; }
Controller::dispatch []   ...
Controller::dispatch($_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"], $_GET + $_POST, "_layout");
1 : 7137807
1 : {"cssTableClass":"ow***:7137806,"next_p":7137808,"count_ads":1}
1 : _layout
Controller::dispatch($_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"], $_GET + $_POST, "_layout");
ErrorException: Trying to access array offset on value of type int
  in lib.framework/Geo/Geo.php:1648
  #0 lib.framework/Geo/Geo.php:1511 Geo::_city('', '...')
  #1 lib.framework/Geo/Geo.php:1447 Geo::main_city('', '...')
  #2 lib.framework/Geo/Geo.php:1799 Geo::city_location('', '...')
  #3 vhosts/phone/lib/Action/Phone/Root.php:353 Geo::resolveLoc(Array)
  #4 lib.framework/Action/Action.php:236 Action_Phone_Root->prefix7('...')
  #8 vhosts/phone/phoneowner.us/www/index.php:2 Controller::dispatch('...', Array, '...')