Exception:ErrorException(Undefined array key "region")
server t8misc1.ny.7w7.us • https://phoneowner.us//8776001 • • site-id: 22 • rd/phoneowner.us • Apr 30, 02:44:27 • git 19c4540620

Exception:ErrorException(Undefined array key "region")

*** []
} if (isset($rc[0])) # [0=>region, 1=>city] return Geo::rc($rc[0], $rc[1]); if (isset($rc['city'])) { # [region => , city =>] if (is_numeric($rc['city']))
return Geo::rc($rc['region'], $rc['city']);
[$cn, $r, $c, $m] = Geo::parse($rc['city']); return Geo::rc($r, $c); } if (isset($rc['city_main'])) # [region => , city_main =>] return Geo::rc($rc['region'], $rc['city_main']);
Geo::rc []   ...
$rc = Geo::rc($loc);
1 : {"street":"5805 Stat***":"Creek","city":"-283","state":"Johns"}
$street = mb_convert_case(trim($loc['street']), MB_CASE_TITLE, "utf-8"); if ($mask_address) { $parts[] = preg_replace("!^(\s*\d+\s)!i", "**** ", $street); } else { try {
$rc = Geo::rc($loc);
} catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) { //Bad/misspelled address return ""; } $parts[] = $street;
HB_Legacy::locToPlainText []   ...
if ($tmp = self::locToPlainText($loc1, $mask_address)) {
1 : {"street":"5805 Stat***":"Creek","city":"-283","state":"Johns"}
1 :
} if (!isset($loc["region"]) && isset($loc[0])) { //prevent tries to render buggy locs like ["region" => 19, "city" => 13 ... 0 => ["region" => 19, "city" => 13 ...]] //array of locations $superset = []; foreach ($loc as $loc1) {
if ($tmp = self::locToPlainText($loc1, $mask_address)) {
$superset[] = $tmp; } } return join("\n", $superset); }
HB_Legacy::locToPlainText []   ...
return $m(...$args);
1 : [{"street":"5805 Sta***:"Creek","city":"-283","state":"Johns"}]
// We proxy unknown calls to other classes public static function __callStatic($method, $args) { $m = ['HB_HBX', $method]; if (! is_callable($m)) $m = ['HB_Legacy', $method];
return $m(...$args);
HB::__callStatic []
1 : locToPlainText
1 : [[{"street":"5805 St***"Creek","city":"-283","state":"Johns"}]]
} } $info .= "<div class=\"admin\" style=\"font-size:10px;border:0;color:red\">$r[uk]</div>"; } if ("prefix_listing" == $mode || ($l && (!empty($l["po-box"]) || (!empty($l["street"]) && fm("!\bP\.? ?O\.? ?BOX\b(.*)!i", $l["street"]))))) {
$st = HB::locToPlainText($l);
} elseif ($l && (($l['street']??'') && (($l['city']??0) || ($l['city_main']??0)) && ($l['region']??0))) { if ("phone_profile" == $mode || "light_report" == $mode) { //30 Mar 2016 decided to lad to /people at phoneownre.com if(RDSite::siteID() == RDSite::SITE_ID_CENTEDA_COM || RDSite::siteID() == RDSite::SITE_ID_PERSONTRUST_COM || RDSite::siteID() == RDSite::SITE_ID_RADARIS){ $st = '<span class="addr-cont">'.HB::locToPlainText($l).'</span>';
Phone::p7_item []
1 : {"name":"John Jansse***43100,"id":1,"_sort":"-56658-1184086--"}
1 : 18776001703
1 : prefix_listing
} $tr[] = '<div class="'.$this->cssTableParentClass.'"><table class="'.$this->cssTableClass.'"><tr><th>Owner Name</th><th>Address</th><th>Information</th></tr>'; $cnt = 0; foreach ($items as $id => $i) { //$d = $this->_p7_item($i, $phone);
$d = Phone::p7_item($i, $phone, "prefix_listing");
if ($loc = ($i['loc']??'')) { $l_key = ($loc['region']??'').'-'.($loc['city']??''); if (!isset($prefix_info['locations'][$l_key]) && ($loc['city_state']??0)) { list($loc['city_name'], $loc['state']) = HB::explode(', ', $loc['city_state'], 2); Geo::resolveLoc($loc);
Action_Phone_Root->prefix7 []   ...
return call_user_func_array( [$this, $method], $r);
1 : 8776001
} } catch(Exception $ex) { \Log::alert( $ex->getMessage() ); } try {
return call_user_func_array( [$this, $method], $r);
} catch(RedirectException $ex) { return $ex->getMessage(); } } function page404() {
Action->_reflection_call []   ...
return $this->_reflection_call($method);
1 : prefix7
if (method_exists($this, $method) ) $mex=1; } } if ($mex)
return $this->_reflection_call($method);
// use template name (same as url) return $url; } /* internal */ // serve method (normal or gzipped)
Action->_call []   ...
$r = $A->_call($method, $path);
1 : prefix7
1 : 8776001
Profiler::disable(); CD::set("AJAX", 1); } Profiler::in("${class}::$method", $p); $A = new $class($p);
$r = $A->_call($method, $path);
Profiler::out(); //respect called action's desire to act as AJAX. $is_ajax = CD("AJAX"); // AJAX methods - default - no templates if ($is_ajax) {
Controller::action []   ...
$template = self::action($url, $params); // PARAM by REF!
1 : 8776001
1 : {"cssTableClass":"ow***1948","prev_p":8776000,"next_p":8776002}
self::$layout=$layout; if ($r = strpos($url,"?")) $url = substr($url, 0, $r); $url = substr($url,1); // remove leading "/" restore_msg($params);
$template = self::action($url, $params); // PARAM by REF!
if (isset($_GET['TPL']) ) { echo "<div style='padding-left: 3px; background: #eee'>"; vvv($params); echo "</div>"; }
Controller::dispatch []   ...
Controller::dispatch($_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"], $_GET + $_POST, "_layout");
1 : 8776001
1 : {"cssTableClass":"ow***1948","prev_p":8776000,"next_p":8776002}
1 : _layout
Controller::dispatch($_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"], $_GET + $_POST, "_layout");
ErrorException: Undefined array key "region"
  in lib.framework/Geo/Geo.php:475
  #0 lib.framework/HB/Legacy.php:190 Geo::rc(Array)
  #1 lib.framework/HB/Legacy.php:144 HB_Legacy::locToPlainText(Array, false)
  #2 lib.framework/HB/HB.php:620 HB_Legacy::locToPlainText(Array)
  #3 lib/Phone/Phone.php:514 HB::__callStatic('...', Array)
  #4 vhosts/phone/lib/Action/Phone/Root.php:425 Phone::p7_item(Array, 18776001703, '...')
  #5 lib.framework/Action/Action.php:236 Action_Phone_Root->prefix7('...')
  #9 vhosts/phone/phoneowner.us/www/index.php:2 Controller::dispatch('...', Array, '...')