Exception:ErrorException(socket_read(): unable to read from socket [104]: Connection reset by peer)
server t8misc1.ny.7w7.us • https://phoneowner.us//phone/4027686668 • • site-id: 22 • rd/phoneowner.us • Jun 06, 20:00:30 • git bc137395bc

Exception:ErrorException(socket_read(): unable to read from socket [104]: Connection reset by peer)

*** []
throw new Api_DownException("Go-Api($this->o_host,$this->port) $this->name::$method(".cut(json_encode($args), 100).") failed"); } } socket_write($socket, $data, strlen($data)); $buffer = "";
while ($b = socket_read($socket, 2048)) {
$buffer .= $b; } socket_close($socket); $r = json_decode($buffer, 1); Profiler::out();
Api_RadarisGo->socketCall []   ...
return $this->socketCall($method, ...$args);
1 : removals
1 : [1052011782025537625***51,80138032695219525,368375092009941751]
} // raw go-api method call if ($method[0] == "_") $method = substr($method, 1); try {
return $this->socketCall($method, ...$args);
} catch (Api_DownException $ex) { 1; } // Api_DownException !! if ($backup = $this->C['backup-socket'] ?? 0) {
Api_RadarisGo->__call []   ...
$res = $this->removals($hashes);
1 : removals
1 : [[105201178202553762***1,80138032695219525,368375092009941751]]
$res[0] = $sub_res[0] + $res[0]; } $position = $position + static::$MAX_ARRAY_ELEMENTS_PER_REQUEST; } } else {
$res = $this->removals($hashes);
} return $res[0] ?? []; } // FL popularity function fl_pop(...$args) {
Api_RadarisGo_NameServer->get_removals []
1 : [1052011782025537625***51,80138032695219525,368375092009941751]
static function findRemovedHashes(array $hashes) { if (isset($_GET["UPDATE"])) { static::syncRemovalHashes(); static::reloadRemovals(); }
return i("go-api.name-server")->get_removals($hashes);
} /** * Find which of entities are forbidden. Uses i('go-api.name-server') service * @param array $entities [uk => entity_data] * @return array [uk => removal_reason]
removal\Hasher_BaseHasher::findRemovedHashes []
1 : [1052011782025537625***51,80138032695219525,368375092009941751]
$entity_hashes[$e_id][] = $hash; } } } if ($all_hashes) {
if ($removed_hashes = static::findRemovedHashes($all_hashes)) {
foreach ($entity_hashes as $e_id => $hashes) { foreach ($hashes as $hash) { if ($removed_hashes[$hash["hash"]] ?? 0) { \Profiler::warn(Removal::$MYNAME, "Hash:".$hash["hash"] . ":" . x2s($hash)."; Entity:".x2s($entity)); $removed[$e_id] = $hash;
removal\Hasher_BaseHasher::findRemoved []
1 : {"1":{"phone":140276***},"uk":"848929-22710:PhoneAddress/199"}}
return $item; }, $entities); } if (!empty($entities)) { \Profiler::in(self::$MYNAME, "Filter data cnt:" . count($entities));
if ($removed = Hasher::findRemoved($entities)) {
switch ($method) { case "unset": foreach ($removed as $k => $v) { unset($data[$k]); }
removal\Removal::filterRemoved []
1 : {"1":{"phone":140276***},"uk":"848929-22710:PhoneAddress/199"}}
1 : {"1":{"name":"Harry ***y_main":95},"id":5,"tp":"PhoneAddress"}}
1 : mark
$tc["uk"] = $uk; } $to_check[$iid] = $tc; } }
if ($removed = removal\Removal::filterRemoved($to_check, $d["."], "mark")) {
//Also save removals permanently /* Permanent set may take a lot of time. foreach ($removed as $iid => $tc) { $K[$phone][$iid]->_deleted = $d["."][$iid]["_deleted"]; $K[$phone][$iid]->_forbidden = $d["."][$iid]["_forbidden"];
Phone::teaser8 []
1 : 14027686668
$K = KRDB::i("phone", "1".substr($p, 0, 7)); http_last_modified( max((int) $K->_updated, KRDB_Phone_Admin::$MIN_LAST_MODIFIED)); if ($this->forbidden_phone && !Debug::is_admin()) { do404(); } else {
$teaser = Phone::teaser8("1".$p);
$teaser = Phone::teaserResolveGeo($teaser); //08 May 2016 new logic. If we do not know phone number - pass user to reverse phone lookup report if (!$teaser && !$this->forbidden_phone) { SEO_MissingData::hit("phone"); go(Phone::reversePhoneLookupReportUrl($p, false));
Action_Phone_Root->phone []   ...
return call_user_func_array( [$this, $method], $r);
1 : 4027686668
} } catch(Exception $ex) { \Log::alert( $ex->getMessage() ); } try {
return call_user_func_array( [$this, $method], $r);
} catch(RedirectException $ex) { return $ex->getMessage(); } } function page404() {
Action->_reflection_call []   ...
return $this->_reflection_call($method);
1 : phone
if (method_exists($this, $method) ) $mex=1; } } if ($mex)
return $this->_reflection_call($method);
// use template name (same as url) return $url; } /* internal */ // serve method (normal or gzipped)
Action->_call []   ...
$r = $A->_call($method, $path);
1 : phone
1 : phone
Profiler::disable(); CD::set("AJAX", 1); } Profiler::in("{$class}::$method", $p); $A = new $class($p);
$r = $A->_call($method, $path);
Profiler::out(); //respect called action's desire to act as AJAX. $is_ajax = CD("AJAX"); // AJAX methods - default - no templates if ($is_ajax) {
Controller::action []   ...
$template = self::action($url, $params); // PARAM by REF!
1 : phone
1 : {"p":"4027686668","c***":"table-scroll","forbidden_phone":null}
self::$layout=$layout; if ($r = strpos($url,"?")) $url = substr($url, 0, $r); $url = substr($url,1); // remove leading "/" restore_msg($params);
$template = self::action($url, $params); // PARAM by REF!
if (isset($_GET['TPL']) ) { echo "<div style='padding-left: 3px; background: #eee'>"; vvv($params); echo "</div>"; }
Controller::dispatch []   ...
Controller::dispatch($_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"], $_GET + $_POST, "_layout");
1 : phone
1 : {"p":"4027686668","c***":"table-scroll","forbidden_phone":null}
1 : _layout
Controller::dispatch($_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"], $_GET + $_POST, "_layout");
ErrorException: socket_read(): unable to read from socket [104]: Connection reset by peer
  in lib.framework/Api/RadarisGo/RadarisGo.php:222
  #0 lib.framework/Api/RadarisGo/RadarisGo.php:151 Api_RadarisGo->socketCall('...', Array)
  #1 lib.framework/Api/RadarisGo/NameServer.php:88 Api_RadarisGo->__call('...', Array)
  #2 lib/removal/Hasher/BaseHasher.php:91 Api_RadarisGo_NameServer->get_removals(Array)
  #3 lib/removal/Hasher/BaseHasher.php:115 removal\Hasher_BaseHasher::findRemovedHashes(Array)
  #4 lib/removal/Removal.php:135 removal\Hasher_BaseHasher::findRemoved(Array)
  #5 lib/Phone/Phone.php:615 removal\Removal::filterRemoved(Array, Array, '...')
  #6 vhosts/phone/lib/Action/Phone/Root.php:522 Phone::teaser8('...')
  #7 lib.framework/Action/Action.php:236 Action_Phone_Root->phone('...')
  #11 vhosts/phone/phoneowner.us/www/index.php:2 Controller::dispatch('...', Array, '...')
WARN: can't connect to '/run/radaris/name-server.sock'
 Api_RadarisGo->socketCall([0:istat_hit, 1:{"anti..it":1}])
 Api_RadarisGo->__call([0:istat_hit 1:[1 items]])
 Api_RadarisGo_NameServer->istat_hit([ 0:[11 items]])